University Student Handbook

University Student Handbook

Students in Fireside LoungeNorthwestern Health Sciences University image 2

University Student Handbook

Effective August 2018

Navigation buttons to the left contain the contents of the University Student Handbook. The sections are: Services for Students, Student Affairs, Student Conduct, Other University Regulations, Academic Standards and Policies, and the Appendix.

This document serves as a reference for students concerning policies of Northwestern Health Sciences University. This Handbook will refer to this entity as the University. This document is not intended to create a contract with any student. It is accurate at the time of publishing but is subject to change from time to time as deemed appropriate by the University in order to fulfill its role and mission or to accommodate circumstances beyond its control.

The University expressly reserves the right to deviate from the provisions of this Student Handbook and to add, alter, or otherwise make changes at any time in terms and provisions of this Handbook. Students should anticipate changes throughout the year. Any such changes may be implemented without prior notice, and unless specified otherwise, are effective when made. Changes to the Student Handbook will be sent to students’ email accounts and will be updated on the web version of the Student Handbook as soon as practicable. Students are responsible for noting changes.

The policies and procedures contained in this Student Handbook replace and supersede all previous policies and procedures in Student Handbooks previously issued by Northwestern Health Sciences University. Students are responsible for the information and policies published in this Student Handbook, and other policies and information referenced therein. Students who have questions on the interpretation of Student Handbook policies should consult with the Dean of Students and Alumni Services.

Printed copies will be made available in the Student Affairs office, upon request.