2019 Fall Trimester

International Baccalaureate Policy


Northwestern Health Sciences University recognizes the IB program and accords special consideration for students presenting IB credentials on an individual basis. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines for the awarding of credit to students based on their success on IB examinations and/or the completion of an IB diploma.


Applies to all students applying to the University.


Northwestern Health Sciences University accepts credit based on qualifying scores in International Baccalaureate (IB) subjects. A maximum of 20 transfer credits will be accepted from the IB, CLEP, and/or AP program combined.

Students in IB Programs may take examination separately or receive a full IB diploma. The IB diploma covers six subjects and is awarded to students who achieve specified scores on three higher level and three standard level examinations or four higher level and two standard level examinations.

Students in IB programs may receive up to eight semester credits for each higher-level (HL) subject passed with a grade of five or higher. Please see table below for specific transfer credit.

Full diploma:

  • Those that earn the full diploma with 30 or more diploma points may receive eight semester credits for each high level (HL) subject with grades of five or higher and may receive up to two semester credits for some standard level (SL) with grades of five or higher*

IB second language course, either HL or SL, is not allowed for transfer.

Effective: October 11 2017


The Registrar’s Office will determine eligible transfer credit though the IB Program based on the table below. Students will be sent a transfer credit evaluation upon completion of the review.

Area/Examination Score Award Transfer Credit
Art HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – Humanities
Biology HL 5-7 BIO2010: Introduction to Biology
Business Management HL 5-7 4 Semester Credits – Elective
Chemistry HL 5-7 CHEM2048: General Chemistry 1 & CHEM2059: General Chemistry 2
Computer Science HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – Elective
Economics HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – Social Sciences
English Language & Literature HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – English/Communications or Humanities
English A Literature HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – English/Communications or Humanities
History HL 5-7 8 Semester Credits – Humanities
Information Global Technology HL 5-7 4 Semester Credits – Electives
Math HL 5-7 MATH1005: Foundations of Math
Physics HL 5-7 PHYS2040: Physics 1 & PHYS2041: Physics 2
Psychology HL 5-7 4 Semester Credits – Social Sciences
Other Subjects HL 5-7 Contact the Registrar Office
  • Standard Level (SL) is ONLY granted if a student completes a full diploma of 30 points of more. No credit is awarded to SL credits alone. SL are only granted if the grades of five or higher are received. Please see table below for specific transfer credit.
Area/Examination Score Award Transfer Credit
Biology SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits - Natural Science/Math
Environmental Systems and Societies SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits - Natural Science/Math
Chemistry SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Natural Science/Math
Computer Science SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Elective
Economics SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Social Sciences
English Languages & Literature SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – English/Communications or Humanities
English Literature SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – English/Communications or Humanities
Film Studies SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Humanities
History SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Humanities
Information Technology SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Elective
Literature and Performance SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Humanities
Psychology SL 5-7 2 Semester Credits – Social Sciences
Other Subjects SL 5-7 Contact the Registrar Office

No credit for SL Math or Math Studies