2020 Winter Trimester


Graduation Requirements

The Certificates or AS in Radiation Therapy are granted to those candidates who have:

  • Successfully completed of all requirements in the program of study.
  • Successfully completed all program-specific coursework with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Successfully completed all General Education coursework.
  • Successfully documented attendance and completion of all required Clinical Training hours.
  • Successfully completed all required clinical competencies with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Successfully completed of monthly clinical performance evaluations with a grade of “C” or better.
  • Successfully completed all other assigned tasks by both faculty and the clinical coordinators.
  • The completion of an exit interview with the clinical coordinator. Exit interview may also be completed by the career service advisor if need be; includes job search strategies and interviewing skills.


Graduation Rate

Please refer to our website for the most recent graduation rate statistics.

The College of Health and Wellness makes no guarantee of employment of students upon completion of the program.