Massage Therapy Programs Clinic Handbook

D. Absence Policy

  • All missed clinic shifts must be made up. This includes scheduled make-ups.
  • If you are going to be absent for any reason (including switching shifts), you must inform the following individuals, in this order: The clinic front desk; your clinic supervisor; and Kari Braun,
  • In case of illness: If you are contagious—coughing, sneezing, fever--do not come to clinic! If you are not contagious, it is incumbent upon you to determine if you are well enough to attend clinic. In any case, if you choose not to attend, please contact your classmates and make every effort to find a replacement intern. Intern phone numbers can be found on the “Clinic Experience for Massage Students” Moodle page.
  • If you miss one (1) clinic shift and do not find a replacement intern, you need to do a double make-up and make up two (2) clinic shifts; and you must call all affected clients and apologize before the start of your next clinic shift (calls must be made from the clinic, not from home or anywhere else).
  • Note that the client encounters from the double part of the make-up do not count toward your client encounter requirement for that rotation.
  • This clinic shift(s) must be made up to complete the current rotation before you may move on to the subsequent clinic rotation.
  • The Clinic Supervisory Committee may review students who miss more than 2 clinic shifts for any reason. The process for this is as follows:
    • Upon referral by the student’s supervisor, the supervisory committee will convene to adjudicate the matter.
    • The student will have up to 5 minutes to present his or her case to the committee, including reasons for the absences and any proposed remedy.
    • The student will then be excused and the supervisory committee will make a determination of sanctions based on the circumstances of the individual case. Examples of sanctions may include a written warning, additional make up shifts, written assignments, or a failing grade in the course.