College of Chiropractic
The College of Chiropractic prepares doctors of chiropractic as leaders for the delivery and advancement of natural and holistic approaches to patient-centered health care through excellence in education, professional and scholarly activity, clinical service and community engagement.

Program Learning Outcomes
Within their scope of practice, health care providers who successfully complete the Doctor of Chiropractic program will be able to:
- Foundational knowledge and critical thinking – Our graduates will be able to critically appraise and apply an ever-expanding base of knowledge for the purpose of active patient-engagement and life-long professional curiosity.
- Patient evaluation and chiropractic care – Our graduates will be able to act as primary health care providers and perform case-specific evaluations resulting in patient-centered case management inclusive of the skillful application of chiropractic techniques.
- Professionalism – Our graduates will be able to demonstrate professional integrity, responsibility and leadership in health care in compliance with legal and ethical standards of behavior.
- Collaboration and interprofessionalism – Our graduates will be able to practice patient-centered care fostered through collaborative relationships with patients and other healthcare disciplines in order to promote the best outcomes for patients and communities.
- Professional and personal development – Our graduates will be able to engage in the process of continuous professional and personal development towards achievement of definitive goals.
The College of Chiropractic at Northwestern Health Sciences University is a visionary school whose innovative ideas and practices have led, and will continue to lead, generations of chiropractic doctors to the forefront of their profession. Northwestern’s basic sciences, clinical, chiropractic and business education is superb in preparing students to pass the National Boards and successfully enter clinical practice.
For more than seven decades, excellence has been nurtured and inspired at the College of Chiropractic. The international reputation we have earned has been created in large part by our approach to educating our students.
Northwestern has pioneered an extraordinary and unique clinical system, with the Northwestern Health Clinic - Bloomington, a growing number of interdisciplinary community clinic partnerships, more than 125 community-based private-practice clinics, and final term preceptorship opportunities around the world. The University’s public clinic system is the largest provider of natural health care services in Minnesota.
Northwestern’s Doctor of Chiropractic program is a full-time day program consisting of more than 4,300 contact hours over 10 trimesters. The University admits new chiropractic students in January, May and September of each calendar year. Classes are held Monday through Friday.
Chiropractic students at Northwestern may also complete a bachelor’s of science degree in human biology while enrolled in the chiropractic program.