University Student Handbook

Personal Conduct

The behaviors considered a violation of the Standards of Personal Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following list. These are examples of actions that constitute misconduct for which students may be sanctioned.

  1. Intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person on or off University premises or at University sponsored activities, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm. This includes, but is not limited to, hazing or verbal or written threats, abuse, harassment or sexual violence.
  2. Theft of property or of services belonging to the University or others; knowing possession of stolen property on University premises or at Universitysponsored activities.
  3. Dishonesty, furnishing false information, forgery, alterations, or unauthorized use of University documents, records, identification or property.
  4. Damaging or destroying University property or property belonging to others. Littering or dumping trash on University grounds.
  5. The Violation of the University Weapons Policy.
  6. The Violation of the University Drug and Alcohol Use Policy.
  7. Possession, sale or use of alcoholic beverages on campus, except where specifically authorized by the University. Knowing presence in a campus facility where alcohol is being consumed or is present without authorization of the University.
  8. Failing to comply with the directions of University employees acting in the performance of their duties.
  9. Verbally threatening, abusing or harassing any University employee in the performance of their duties.
  10. Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire safety equipment.
  11. Intentionally initiating or causing to be initiated any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion or other emergency on University premises or at Universitysponsored activities.
  12. Intentionally or recklessly interfering with normal University or Universitysponsored activities including but not limited to studying, teaching, research, University administration, or fire, police or emergency services.
  13. Knowingly violating the terms of any disciplinary sanctions imposed in accordance with this code.
  14. Engaging in disorderly conduct, public intoxication, or lewd, indecent or obscene behavior on University premises or at University-sponsored activities.
  15. Violation of other published University regulations or policies.
  16. Unauthorized presence in or use of University facilities, premises or equipment.
  17. Actions which annoy, disturb or otherwise prevent the orderly conduct of activities, administration or classes of the University.
  18. Actions not committed on University property, but related to the security of the University community or the integrity of the educational process.
  19. Violations of Federal, State or local law.

SPECIAL NOTE: Northwestern Health Sciences University reserves the right to initiate disciplinary proceedings against students who have been formally charged with criminal violations off-campus by legal or civil authorities.