University Student Handbook


Sanctions for misconduct will be imposed by the Dean of Students and Alumni Services. Sanctions may include any of the following, singly or in combination:

  1. Removal from class or clinic

    A faculty member may remove a student from a class or clinic shift if the faculty member determines that a student’s continued presence interferes with the orderly continuation of a class or a clinic setting. The faculty member will immediately refer the matter to the Dean of Students and Alumni Services.

  2. Warning

    An official sanction, given verbally and/or in writing notifying the student of their misconduct and warning that subsequent infractions must not occur.

  3. Disciplinary Probation

    An official sanction that places the student in a status such that any subsequent misconduct during the period of probation, will result in additional discipline, including, but not limited to Suspension or Dismissal. The Dean of Students and Alumni Services determines the period of probation.

  4. Disciplinary Class Suspension

    An official sanction that prohibits the student from attending a particular class and receiving credit for a specific period of time up to and including the remainder of the trimester. Notification of suspensions will be sent to appropriate University offices including Financial Aid. Notation of suspension may appear on the student's transcript.

  5. Disciplinary Suspension

    An official sanction that prohibits the student from attending the University for a specific period of time up to and including the remainder of the trimester. Upon expiration of the suspension, the student must present a written request to the Dean of Students and Alumni Services, for readmission at least two weeks before the first day of classes of the term the student wishes to reenter.

    The Behavioral Standards Committee and the Dean of Students and Alumni Services will review the suspension and determine if the student is to be allowed to reenter at that time. Students reentering following Disciplinary Suspension are automatically on Disciplinary Probation for the duration of their studies at the University. Notification of suspension will be sent to appropriate University offices including Financial Aid. Notation of suspension may appear on the student's transcript.

  6. Disciplinary Dismissal

    An official sanction permanently prohibiting the student from attendance at the University. This sanction applies to academic programs of the University, including continuing education. Notification will appear on the student's transcript and all offices of the University will be notified.

  7. Summary Suspension

    A student may be immediately suspended from any and all classes or clinics and barred from entering University property. This action may be taken if the Dean of Students and Alumni Services determines that misconduct has occurred or that the student's continued presence on the campus presents unreasonable risk of danger to the student, to others, or to the community. A student so sanctioned must leave the campus immediately and may not return without permission from the Dean of Students and Alumni Services.

  8. Alternative and Educational Sanctions

    The Dean of Students and Alumni Services may impose, or the Behavioral Standards Committee may recommend, other sanctions with conditions such as financial restitution, payment of a fine, or performance of a service project. Service projects may include, but are not limited to, University work projects, a designated number of hours working in various campus administrative offices, or performing community service off campus. Parking or other vehicle violations may result in restriction of parking privileges or towing of an automobile at the owner's expense.