2.3 Clinic Faculty and Staff
The NWHSU public clinics are staffed by faculty from the College of Chiropractic and the College of Health and Wellness. In most instances, recommendations involving overall clinic policy matters are developed by the Vice President of Network Development and Clinic Administration and approved by the University President.
Interns may be clinically involved with other members of the college clinic faculty. These faculty clinicians are responsible for the clinical management of patients from admittance through discharge. Upon entering the college public clinics, a patient is assigned to a faculty clinician who is responsible for the clinical care of that patient.
In each college-owned clinic, residents in roentgenology, orthopedics, or clinical chiropractic may be present. These residents are licensed doctors of chiropractic who also assist with intern instruction and patient care.
Private practice doctors in the CBI program are considered Associate Clinic Faculty, responsible for the teaching and supervision of interns assigned to their clinics. While these practices operate in a fashion that is consistent with the “Guiding Principles” of Northwestern, there will be variability in specific policy and procedure. Interns participating in the CBI program are responsible for adhering to the policies set forth in this handbook, as well as those of the private practice to which they are assigned.