2022-2023 University Catalog

Sports Rehabilitation Emphasis Track


Sports & Rehabilitation Emphasis

Emphasis Pre-requisite: Successful completion of all T3 courses.



A minimum of 7.0 credits is required to achieve the distinction of Sports & Rehabilitation Emphasis upon graduating.  Each student is required to enroll in the following courses, providing a total of 4.0 credits:


  1. ·DCE-7220 Advanced Upper Extremity Management – 0.75 Cr
  2. ·DCE-7221 Advanced Lower Extremity Management – 0.75 Cr
  3. ·DCE-7408 Strength & Conditioning – 1.0 Cr
  4. ·DCE-7406 Pain Science Communication – 0.75 Cr
  5. ·DCE-7404 Rehabilitation of NMS Conditions – 0.75 Cr


Students can achieve the remaining 3.0 credits can by enrolling in the following courses offered by NWHSU:



 1. DCE-7305 Sports Medicine Concussion Baseline Testing, Diagnosis, & Treatment – 1.0 Cr

 2. DCE-7306 Sports Medicine Pre-participation Sports Physicals – 1.0 Cr

 3. DCE-7307 Sports Medicine Introduction to Sports Taping – 0.75 Cr

 4. DCE-7314 Radiology Sports Imaging I – 0.75 Cr

 5. DCE-7315 Radiology Sports Imaging II – 0.75 Cr

 6. DCE-7402 Selective Functional Movement Assessment – 0.50 Cr

 7. DCE-7400 Advanced Therapeutic Exercise 1.0 cr