University Student Handbook

Professional Conduct

The behaviors considered a violation of the Standards of Professional Conduct include, but are not limited to, the following list. These are examples of actions that constitute misconduct for which students may be sanctioned.

  1. Representing oneself as a graduate of the Northwestern Health Sciences University prior to program completion.
  2. Chiropractic Students: Performing, whether on campus or off, a treatment or other procedure before graduation that is reserved to a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic without supervision and direction of a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic that maintains ranked faculty, adjunct faculty or preceptor-affiliation status with Northwestern’s academic programs.
  3. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (ACM) Program Students: Practice of acupuncture or herbs without ACM Program faculty supervision or in other than an ACM Program educational setting before graduation. Students already licensed to practice acupuncture who enroll in the ACM Program for enhancement of skills may request an exception to this rule in writing to the Dean of the College of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
  4. Massage Therapy Program Students: Practice of massage therapy outside of assigned projects and homework before graduation without Massage Therapy faculty supervision.
  5. All Programs: Practicing or performing procedures without appropriate supervision or approval as required by: published policies and procedures of Northwestern Health Sciences University; federal, state, or local law; ethical and other guidance by the applicable professional organization or licensing board; or the policies of approved internship and externship sites.