University Student Handbook

Student Government

Student Senate

Through the Student Senate, students participate in the development of recommendations to the administration regarding Northwestern Health Sciences University policies and procedures.

The mission of the University Student Senate is to function as a liaison between the student body, the community, and the University to endeavor to continually improve the student experience.

The purposes of this organization shall be to:

  1. Serve as a voice and advocate for the student body.
  2. Facilitate communication between students and faculty/administration
  3. Provide a forum for student concerns and ideas.
  4. Bring real world experience to the educational setting.
  5. Serve the community holistically.
  6. Assist in the academic enrichment of students, as requested.
  7. Bring the community to the students and the students to the community.
  8. Provide the student body with opportunities for fun, relaxation, and entertainment.
  9. Review and authorize the use of student activity funds, while cooperating with other student organizations.
  10. Encourage responsible conduct of the student body.
  11. Foster interdisciplinary relationships, and increase awareness of each university program.

The By-Laws of the Student Senate are found in the Appendix of the University Student Handbook and on the Student Affairs website.