2020 Summer Trimester

Academic Standards


The purpose of Academic Standards is to create, maintain, and promote academic excellence and set expectations toward student achievement of educational goals and objectives. Students may be placed on either Academic Warning, Academic Probation and or may be Academically Dismissed.


Applies to all students enrolled at the University.


Term of academic difficulty: Students are considered to have a term of academic difficulty when they have been placed on academic warning and or probation.

Academic Standards Committee: The Academic Standards Committee consists of one faculty representative from each program, the Dean of Students, the Registrar and the Academic Advisor.

Academic Warning Policy

Academic warning is indicative of substandard achievement. A student is placed on academic warning when one of the following occurs:

  • The student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for the first time;
  • The student fails one or more required courses in a term;
  • The student fails to successfully complete at least 67% of the courses attempted (completion rate).
  • The student will remain on academic warning for no more than two consecutive terms unless permitted by an approved Corrective Action Plan.  Please note a student may be dismissed after three terms of difficulty.

Revised: October 2017 / Effective: May 1st 2018

Academic Warning Procedure

Placement on academic warning status is determined by the Registrar’s Office at the end of each term.  Notification is sent via university email.

Students on academic warning:

  • Must meet with the University’s Academic Advisor to determine a schedule. The Academic Advisor must approve the student’s final schedule in order to complete the registration process;
  • Must meet regularly with a faculty mentor.  A faculty mentor will be assigned at the beginning of the trimester if one has not already been assigned to the student;
  • Must prepare a Corrective Action Plan to be shared with faculty mentor;
  • The corrective action plan should include the following:
    • A brief paragraph explaining the reason for the deficiency;
    • Steps the student plans to take to be successful in the future;
      • May be asked to reduce course load in the following term and retake all required courses in which unsatisfactory grades were received. If the required course is not offered the next term, the student must complete the course during the next offering and will not be permitted to enroll in any course(s) for which the course that is being repeated is a designated prerequisite.

The Registrar will review the student’s academic standing at the end of the term to determine whether or not the student has cleared academic warning status. 

Academic Probation Policy

A student is placed on academic probation when one of the following occurs:

  • The student fails to obtain a term GPA of 2.0 or higher in the next term of enrollment while on academic warning;
  • The student fails to obtain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher after the next term of enrollment while on academic warning, unless eligible for continued academic warning due to circumstances described above;
  • The student fails at least one required course during a term while on academic warning;
  • The student fails the same course for a second time;
  • The student is placed on a 2nd term of academic difficulty;
  • The student fails to complete at least 67% of course work attempted while on academic warning.

Revised: October 2017 / Effective: May 1st 2018

Academic Probation Procedure

Placement on academic probation status is determined by the Registrar’s Office at the end of each term.  Notification is sent via university email.  The student’s subsequent registration   may be placed on hold until the student’s registration is approved by the University’s Academic Advisor and the Financial Aid Office. In addition, a student on academic probation:

  • Must update and present the Corrective Action Plan the student submitted while on academic warning to the Academic Standards Committee;

Please note:  The Academic Standards Committee may require the student take a reduced course load and/or retake course(s) in an effort to improve the student’s success. If a failed course is not offered the next term, the student will be allowed one additional term to meet the requirement.

  • Must meet with an Academic Advisor to establish a schedule for the following trimester; any recommendations set by the Academic Standing Committee will also be considered during this meeting;
  • Is not permitted to enroll in any course(s) for which the failed course is a designated prerequisite;
  • Must complete a Financial Aid SAP Appeal Form to be eligible for financial aid during the term of academic probation and allow financial aid to be released for the term;
  • Obtain tutorial assistance, which is available through Academic Advising;
  • Must clear the academic probation status by the end of the trimester or the time-frame approved on the student’s Corrective Action Plan.  The student may remain on academic probation for one or two additional trimesters in accordance with Corrective Action Plan requirements. 

The Registrar will review the student’s academic standing at the end of the term to determine whether or not a student has cleared academic probation status. 

Academic Dismissal Policy

A student can be academically dismissed whenever one of the following occurs:

  • The student fails to meet the requirements set by the approved Corrective Action Plan;
  •  The student fails to obtain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 after the next term of enrollment while on academic probation, unless eligible for continued academic probation based on approved Corrective Action Plan;
  • The student fails at least one required course during a term while on academic probation;
  • Student receives a third term of SAP difficulty (academic warning or probation) unless allowed by Corrective Action Plan;
  • The student fails the same course for a third time;
  • The student fails to complete at least 67% of course work attempted while on academic probation unless allowed by approved Corrective Action Plan.

Revised: October 2017 / Effective: May 1st 2018

Academic Dismissal Procedure

Notification of academic dismissal is sent by the Registrar via university email and US Postal Certified Mail.  The student has a right to appeal academic dismissal by following the guidelines outlined in the dismissal notice.