College of Chiropractic Intern’s Clinic Handbook 2021-2022

6.6 Leave Policy – Clinical Internship Only

Northwestern may grant a maximum of six weeks off to interns in the 7, 8, 9 and 10 trimesters. Interns applying for a leave of absence are responsible for knowing and adhering to the procedure associated with their particular Leave of Absence. Eligibility for all leaves will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Obtaining approval for a Leave of Absence allows the intern to be absent as specified from clinic. It does not release the intern from completing the requirements of the internship course.

This policy reflects participation in Clinical Internship only. Policies applying to other course attendance are recorded in the NWHSU Student Handbook.


Parent-- the biological parent of an intern, an individual who stood in the place of the biological parent to that intern when the intern was a child, or an intern who has day-to-day responsibility caring for a child.

Child-- a biological, adopted or foster child; a stepchild; a legal ward; or child of a person standing in the place of a parent who is under 18 years of age or 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of mental or physical disability.

Spouse-- the domestic partner of the intern.

Serious Health Condition-- an illness, injury, impairment; or physical or mental condition involving inpatient care in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical care facility.

6.6.1 Procedures for each type of Leave of Absence are described below:

  1. Childbirth and Adoption Leave
    1. Birth of an intern's child, in order to care for that child.
    2. Placement of a child with an intern for adoption or foster care.
  2. Health Conditions Leave
    1. Intern's spouse, child, or parent has a serious health condition, and the intern is needed to attend to the family member's basic needs, both during periods of inpatient care and during periods of home care. The definition of "care" can include both physical and psychological care. An intern may take leave under this provision regardless of the availability of another family member to provide the same or similar care. The intern will need to first use all available TAC hours before beginning the Leave of Absence.
    2. Intern is unable to perform the functions of his/her position during periods of extended illness or injury (including pregnancy). Extended illness or injury is defined as any physical or mental illness, injury, or disability (including pregnancy) which prevents an intern from performing the duties of his/her clinic internship and requires the care of a licensed health practitioner. The intern will need to first use all available TAC hours before beginning the Leave of Absence.
  3. Intermittent Leave
    1. Leave taken for serious health conditions may be taken on an intermittent basis (not all at one time) when medically necessary. Using TAC is not required, however, students must meet the minimum number of clinic hours for the trimester.
    2. CoC may require an intern on intermittent leave to transfer temporarily to another available clinic, if necessary, to better accommodate recurring periods of leave.
  4. Clinical Internship Short Term Leave of Absence (CI-STLA) – Maximum of 5 days

    Interns are not required to exhaust their TAC hours before beginning a Clinical Internship Short Term Leave of Absence. They must, however, accumulate the minimum number of clinic hours for the trimester.

  5. Military Leave

    Interns are not required to use TAC hours before or after military leave. They must, however, accumulate the minimum number of clinic hours for the trimester when leaving or returning.

  6. Bereavement Leave

    Bereavement leave is available. Interns are not required to use TAC hours before or after bereavement leave. They must, however, accumulate the minimum number of clinic hours for the trimester.

  7. Jury Duty Leave

    Interns are not required to use TAC hours before or after jury duty leave. They must, however, accumulate the minimum number of clinic hours for the trimester.

6.6.2 Medical Certification

  1. Northwestern may require that a leave related to a serious health condition or extended illness, injury, a pregnancy with complications or disability be supported by a certification issued by the health care provider of the intern or the intern's spouse, child, or parent, as appropriate. A copy of this certification shall be provided to Clinical Education in a timely manner.
  2. Northwestern may require that the intern obtain subsequent re-certifications from the health care provider on a reasonable basis.
  3. Information provided by the health care provider will include the date on which the serious health condition commenced and probable duration of the condition.

7.6.3 Reporting Requirements

The intern on a leave must notify his/her faculty clinician and Clinical Education periodically of his/her status. The Dean, College of Chiropractic, has the authority to determine how often the intern must provide this notification. In addition, the intern must provide written notice of his/her intent to return and expected date of return to clinic.

7.6.4 Applying for Leave and Scheduling Requirements

  1. An intern requesting leave for childbirth is required to give, to Clinical Education and the Registrar's office, 2 week notice before the date the leave is to begin. Bona fide emergencies will be accommodated as soon as it is feasible. Interns should complete and submit for approval a written request for a leave of absence. Leave of Absence Request forms are available in Moodle or from Clinical Education.
  2. A copy of any documentation concerning an intern's leave will be placed in the intern's clinic file. Documentation concerning intern medical information will be kept separate from the clinic file.

7.6.5 Effect on Intern Requirements

Taking a leave will not result in the loss of any intern numbers or hours credit accrued prior to the date on which the leave began.

7.6.6 Following a Leave

  1. A grade of "I" will be issued until the required clinic hours for the term in which the leave was taken have been successfully completed. Per University policy, incompletes must be resolved within 4 weeks of the following term. For extenuating circumstances, exceptions for internship can be considered.
  2. Internship 5 (T10) may not begin until term 7, 8 & 9 requirements have been successfully completed and grades of "S" have been posted.
  3. If requirements are not successfully completed within a reasonable period of time following the leave, the intern may need to enroll for an additional term and/or the intern's date of graduation may be delayed.