2024-2025 University Catalog

Student Life


New Student Orientation is designed to familiarize students with NWHSU's mission and values, and provide new students with the information and resources they need as they begin their academic journey with the University. Our orientation program will help you to begin building connections with your peers, your faculty, and key staff on campus that will support your success as a new NWHSU student.  At orientation, incoming students can also take care of outstanding financial aid and student account questions, buy their books, and get their student ID. Upcoming orientation dates are available at the Student Affairs website.


Student Handbook

The Student Handbook provides information on valuable resources, services, and opportunities available to students and outlines the rights and responsibilities of all NWHSU students. The topics contained in the Student Handbook are clarified during New Student Orientation and students are responsible for being aware of the policies contained in the Student Handbook and noting changes as they occur. The University Student Handbook is available online.


Student Conduct

As students prepare to become leaders in healthcare, NWHSU expects each student to exhibit personal, professional, and academic integrity, as well as concern for the rights of others. In order to provide a responsible, respectful, caring and inclusive environment, the University has outlined the standards of conduct, policies, and procedures that students are expected to adhere to in the Student Handbook.

In addition to the policies outlined in the handbook, NWHSU students are expected to adhere to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Violations of federal, state or local laws may be reported to appropriate outside agencies in addition to any University disciplinary action. 


Student Resources and Academic Support Services

Academic Advising

Academic advising services are available to all NWHSU students. Students in the Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, and Massage Therapy programs should contact the Registrar's office regarding academic advising matters. Students in all other programs should contact their assigned faculty advisor or program chair. Advising services are available to educate new and continuing students on current degree requirements and curriculum; provide individualized long-term program planning for part time and full-time students; interpret academic policies and procedures; assist with the development of a personalized academic schedule; and support students in achieving their educational goals. 


Career Development

The Career Development Office supports students with a variety of career development needs including resume and cover letter reviews, job search assistance, career and industry exploration, and interview preparation. We also offer career development programming and can connect students with consultation experts in contract negotiations, purchasing practices, and recruitment.


Disability Services and Academic Testing Center

The Disability Services Office provides reasonable academic accommodations to qualified students with a documented disability to facilitate equal access to the learning environment.


Mental Health Counseling

The University partners with StudentLinc to provide 24/7 access to a licensed mental health professional, and the ability to schedule both in-person and virtual counseling appointments.


Peer Tutoring

Individual peer tutoring services are available to all students, free of charge. Contact studentaffairs@nwhealth.edu to get started.


International Students

The Student Affairs office provides immigration advising and ongoing support to NWHSU’s international student community. We are also the primary liaison to government agencies regarding immigration issues, including the Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP), U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).


Student and Exchange Visitor Information System

Northwestern Health Sciences University has full approval from the USCIS to enroll foreign students. The Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) is an Internet-based application for electronically tracking and reporting on foreign students in the United States. SEVIS enables schools and program sponsors to transmit electronic information to the USCIS and United States Department of State throughout a student’s program in the United States.

SEVIS enables schools to submit school certification applications, update certification information, submit updates to the USCIS that require adjudication, and create and update F-1 (academic) student and dependent records. Designated School Officials (DSOs) maintain the SEVIS program.


Student Consumer Complaint Process

Pursuant to the United States Department of Education’s Program Integrity Rule, institutions providing online education are required to provide all prospective and current students contact information of the state agency or agencies that handle complaints against postsecondary education institutions offering distance learning within that state. NWHSU currently offers online courses.

Students are encouraged to seek resolution to any concerns by discussing them informally with an NWHSU staff member or faculty. If the complaint cannot be handled informally, NWHSU students are encouraged to use the complaint process, described on the Students Complaint and Grievances page. Distance education students that reside out of state and in an NC-SARA state may contact the Minnesota Office of Higher Education if a complaint cannot be resolved within the university. If the student does not meet the previously mentioned criterion, they may contact their local state agency (pdf) for further information.

Student Government



We are dedicated student leaders aiming to represent and engage the student body through active participation, educational advancement, and community involvement. Through the Student Senate, students participate in the development of recommendations to the administration regarding Northwestern Health Sciences University policies and procedures.

The mission of the University Student Senate is to function as a liaison between the student body, the community, and the University to endeavor to continually improve the student experience.



Northwestern Health Sciences University Student Senate fosters the enhancement of student and university experience to prepare and inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals.



The Student Senate represents the student body by promoting community on campus, coordinating student activities, and advocating for student concerns and needs.  Senate representatives serve on many University committees and provide feedback and recommendations to the administration on various initiatives, projects, and strategic goals.  

Within the Senate, numerous committees exist to address a variety of student needs. Various activities are held throughout the year, giving students an opportunity to socialize and interact with one another. The Senate utilizes a portion of the University Fee to help support these activities and organizations.  

The Senate includes representatives from each class in each program, and elections for officers are held annually. To get involved or give feedback to Student Senate, go to the Student Senate website.



  • Accountability
  • Collaboration
  • Development
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
  • Empowerment
  • Leadership
  • Service
  • Transparency



  • We maintain a supportive and collaborative atmosphere between all fields of study.
  • We cultivate meaningful and respectful relationships between students, faculty, and staff.
  • We commit time and provide resources to assure equitable treatment, support, and opportunity to all students.
  • We act objectively as a liaison between students and the University.
  • We create ambition and resolve within the University.
  • We promote a positive presence and effect on the community.
  • We support the student groups that meet the needs of our diverse student body.
  • We integrate the campus community through educational and service opportunities.
  • We aspire to build the future and prosperity of our student body.
  • We nurture student leadership by providing opportunity for personal and professional development.
  • We live, learn, and serve in congruence with the core values of NWHSU.
  • We responsibly and transparently manage the student activity fees collected by the University.

Student Organizations

Joining a club or organization can enhance a students' academic and personal development. Students can grow and have fun with fellow students and create a richer experience at NWHSU by joining an existing club or starting a new one.

Groups of students who share a common interest, either social or professional, may organize and seek recognition as a student organization through the Office of Student Affairs. These approved organizations reflect a wide range of interests, including an array of professional, political, social and recreational groups. 

Student organizations provide an opportunity for students to participate and contribute to student leadership and governance. Through involvement in student organizations, the student body enjoys the benefits of those contributions that enhance the quality of student life and improve the educational program.

Special interest student organizations plan programs, guest speakers and events with their corresponding local and national professional organizations. They work to form mutually beneficial, reciprocal relationships between students, practitioners, and the general public by becoming involved in community activities. They are an important voice of leadership on issues regarding professional practice and education.

There are also a number of extracurricular clubs that provide activities throughout the year including pickleball, volleyball, and basketball. In addition to these activities, Student Senate funds are used to maintain the University Fitness Center. The Fitness Center promotes physical and mental well-being for the campus community, offering aerobic and cardio equipment, weight machines, free-weights, and gymnasium space for basketball and other group activities. For more information about our fitness facilities and their hours, visit the Fitness Facilities website.

Information on NWHSU's clubs and organizations, as well as details on starting a club or organization of your own, can be found on NWHSU's Student Clubs and Organizations webpage.

Northwestern Health Sciences University: De Rusha Clinic

A variety of health care options are available to students, employees and their immediate family members through the Northwestern Health Sciences University De Rusha Clinic, located on campus inside door #10. These services are also available to NWHSU Alumni. The services offered are: Chiropractic, Active Care, Acupuncture/Chinese medicine, Massage Therapy (provided by both students and a professional massage therapist), health coaching, orthotic assessment and fitting services, and X-rays. The student interns practice under the supervision of NWHSU faculty clinicians. Massage therapy is the only service open to the public.

Information Technology Services

Email Policy

Northwestern Health Sciences University students are assigned an NW Health e-mail account for the purpose of receiving official University correspondence. Students are responsible for all information, including attachments, transmitted to them via their e-mail account. E-mail accounts can be accessed at http://mail.nwhealth.edu.

The Information Technology Department provides support for NW Health e-mail users.

Information Technology Hardware and Software Minimum Requirement

NWHSU requires that all students have access to a computer for research, training, independent study and institutional services. Click here for information about technology requirements.

Getting Help

Assistance with campus computers and applications is available at the IT Help Desk. To receive assistance, call extension #357 or send an email to IT@nwhealth.edu.