2024-2025 University Catalog

Absence Policy


This policy outlines expectations and resources to support communication between student and faculty when unavoidable and unanticipated absences occur.

This policy is not intended to replace the established academic accommodations process for documented disabilities. Students who wish to establish accommodations through the Disability Services Office should follow the steps outlined on the Disability Services for Current Students webpage.


This policy applies to all students in all programs.


Scheduled courses allow students to avoid conflicts and reflect the University’s expectation that students will regularly and meaningfully engage in and complete instructor-required class meetings, online learning activities, labs, clinic hours, and other activities assigned as outlined in the course syllabus. The University recognizes that in some circumstances, conflicts with class/laboratory or clinic are unavoidable, or unexpected, and it is ultimately the student’s responsibility to communicate with their faculty when they must miss a required academic activity. It is within the purview of the course instructor to determine options for missing class, labs, and other scheduled learning activities, and for completing missed course requirements.

The policy does not, in any way, release students from the responsibility of satisfying all requirements necessary for the successful completion of any course. The number of allowed absences varies per course based on the nature of the course and is clarified by the syllabus. Extended absences, or absences which result in the student missing critical learning activities that are central to the course, or meeting the course requirements, may prompt the University to recommend or require withdrawal from that course. In some circumstances, an incomplete may be appropriate, and students may request that option in accordance with the Academic Evaluation and Grade Policy.


Effective: May 1st, 2022


  1. Instructors are expected to establish, and clearly communicate in the course syllabus, attendance policies relevant to individual courses. Additionally, instructors must clearly and explicitly state, in their course syllabus, the number of allowed absences and procedures in which assignments and assessments can be made up. Course attendance policies must be consistent with university policy. Clinic Departments may establish more specific criteria for notifying instructors/clinic supervisors and completing clinic hours. (See Clinic Handbook for each program)
  2. When conflicts or absences can be anticipated, such as University sponsored activities or religious observances, the student should inform the instructor of the situation as far in advance as possible. Instructors should be notified as soon as possible in the event of an unanticipated absence such as illness or bereavement.
  3. Faculty should make arrangements for students to complete assessments of student learning (exams, proficiencies, assignments, etc.).
  4. Should a student need to withdraw from a course under the circumstances outlined in this policy after the withdrawal period, the student can petition the University for relief under the Compassionate Withdrawal Appeal Process:

Compassionate Withdrawal - Students who experience extreme hardship and must withdraw from courses and the University past the withdrawal date may appeal for a compassionate withdrawal. If an appeal for compassionate withdrawal is granted the student will receive a W grade. Criteria for a compassionatewithdrawal may include, but are not limited to:

  • Extreme medical hardship Natural disaster
  • Death in the family

To qualify for a compassionate withdrawal, a student must send a request in writing to the Registrar’s office and submit documentation within 30 days of the extenuating circumstance occurring. The appeal will be reviewed by the college’s dean and a decision rendered within 15 business days.