Course Participation Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear expectations and consequences associated with initial course participation and ongoing engagement throughout a course for which a student is registered.
This policy applies to students registered for credit and zero credit courses or labs lasting seven or more days.
Students are required to meet initial and ongoing participation requirements.
Effective September 4, 2024
Census date
The 10th business day of a full-term course, the 5th business day of a half-term course, and the 2nd day of a course lasting less than half the term.
Initial participation
Completing the Syllabus acknowledgement agreement by the census date of the course.
Ongoing engagement
Completing a course activity throughout the duration of the course post-census.
Syllabus acknowledgement agreement
Every course will have a standard question added to the shell in the learning management system that requires them to read and acknowledge the syllabus for that course.
Initial participation is evaluated via reporting through the learning management system. Any student failing to complete the syllabus acknowledgement activity by the census date is dropped from the course by the Registrar’s Office without academic or financial penalty. Impacted instructors and students are notified.
Ongoing course engagement after census will be regularly tracked via reporting through the learning management system with information regarding lack of engagement provided to course instructors. Designated staff or instructors will be expected to contact the identified students. The actions of the Student Success Team will support this outreach.
After the drop date, a student failing to participate through the end of a class, who is not withdrawn or dropped, will be assigned a UF (Unearned Failure) grade at the end of the term. The last date of attendance will be entered by the instructor. A WF grade is assigned when a student requests withdrawal after the withdrawal period.