2024-2025 University Catalog

Student Location Policy



To ensure compliance with the U.S. Department of Education's professional licensure disclosure requirements, this policy outlines the process for determining the location of prospective and current students based on their permanent and current addresses, respectively.


This policy applies to academic administrators, admissions and registration staff, and all prospective and current students pursuing enrollment in professional licensure or certification programs.


Northwestern Health Sciences University will determine the location of each prospective student using their permanent address and current student using their provided current address. This information is critical for compliance with professional licensure disclosure requirements, ensuring students are informed about the educational prerequisites for professional licensure and certification in the state in which they reside. Admission into, or completion of, programs for professions that require licensure or certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certification. 

  Effective July 1, 2024



Professional Licensure Program

An educational program that has been designed and advertised to meet licensure or certification requirements.

Prospective Student

Someone who has applied or been accepted for admission to an educational program at the university.

Current Student

Someone who has matriculated into an educational program at the university.

Permanent Address

Prospective student’s stated permanent address at the time of their application. For prospective students whose permanent address does not include a U.S. state or territory, their location will be considered the state of Minnesota.

Current Address

Student’s physical living location while taking courses at the university.

Student Responsibility

Students enrolled in programs designed to lead to state or territory licensure or certification are responsible for checking with the relevant board in their state or territory of residence and the state/territory in which they intend to obtain a license for the most recent information and requirements. Many licensure boards have additional requirements beyond successful degree completion to obtain a license or certification. 

Upon admission to a professional licensure program at NWHSU, the determination of student location will be based on the prospective student’s permanent address at the time of application. The prospective student’s location will remain in effect unless and until the student updates their current address in NWHSU systems. Students are responsible for informing NWHSU of their current address.

Prospective students whose permanent address is located in a state or territory where the licensure requirements are not met by the educational program will be informed via waivers sent upon acceptance into the education program. These waivers are signed and returned to NWHSU by the prospective student prior to matriculation.

Current students who relocate to a state or territory in which their educational program does not meet licensing requirements and update their current address will be informed that the educational program does not meet state or territory licensing requirements. Such relocations could impact a student’s studies, eligibility for Title IV funding, and/or eligibility for professional licensure. Students are responsible to seek guidance from their program leader and prospective state licensing board prior to relocation.