2024-2025 University Catalog

Academic Standards Policy



The University has a responsibility to identify students whose satisfactory academic standing is threatened by poor performance, and who, without supportive intervention, are unlikely to thrive academically. When a student consistently fails to make progress in any given academic program, the university will terminate their enrollment in that program. Standardizing the criteria for academic standing allows for greater understanding and consistent application.


All students attending the university.


Students must maintain good academic standing to remain enrolled at the university. Academic standing is measured by grade point average and the percentage of attempted credits that are successfully completed. Those academic statistics are calculated for each academic level in which the student is enrolled. Failure to meet academic standing requirements results in academic statuses of warning, probation, or dismissal.

Effective July 1, 2024





Good Academic Standing

Good Academic Standing demonstrates a student’s successful academic progress. Students who meet both the following criteria will be in good academic standing:

  • The student’s term GPA is 2.0 or above and the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or above
  • The student’s completion rate is at least 67% of all credits attempted in a term and the student’s completion rate is at least 67% of all credits attempted at that academic level


Academic Warning

Academic Warning is indicative of unsatisfactory academic progress. A student is placed on academic warning when one of the following occurs for the first time:

  • The student’s term GPA falls below 2.0 or the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 2.0
  • The student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted in that term or the student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted at that academic level

Any student placed on Academic Warning must meet with the Program Academic Standing Committee (PASC) or its designee to develop a Corrective Action Plan.

Academic Warning status does not apply to students in Medical Assisting, Medical Laboratory Science, Medical Laboratory Technology, Radiation Therapy, or Radiologic Technology. Students in those programs progress directly to Academic Probation after the first term in which one of the conditions above occurs.


Academic Probation

Academic Probation is indicative of unsatisfactory academic progress. A student is placed on academic probation when one of the following occurs in any term immediately following a term on academic warning:

  • The student’s term GPA is below 2.0 or the student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0
  • The student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted in that term or the student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted at that academic level

Any student placed on Academic Probation must meet with the Program Academic Standing Committee (PASC) or its designee to develop a Corrective Action Plan.

Students who have two consecutive terms that meet the criteria for Good Academic Standing will be cleared from Academic Probation, with that status applied to the transcript.


Academic Dismissal

Academic Dismissal is a university-initiated separation of a student from the university program. A student will be dismissed when one of the following occurs in any term immediately following a term on academic probation:

  • The student’s term GPA is below 2.0 or the student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0 while on academic probation
  • The student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted in that term or the student’s completion rate is less than 67% of all credits attempted at that academic level


Completion Rate

Completion rate reflects the percentage of all credits successfully completed out of all credits attempted. Failing grades, withdrawals and incompletes are not considered to be successfully completed. Completion rates are calculated for an individual term as well as cumulatively at the student’s academic level (Undergraduate, Masters, or Professional).


Review Cycle

Academic Standing review will be updated once each term, at the end of the term. Grades changed or updated later will be factored into the next term’s review.


Program Academic Standards Committee (PASC)

The Program Academic Standards Committee consists of faculty and/or program leadership, depending on faculty capacity, the Registrar, and the Academic Advisor or Program Chair when appropriate. This committee supports decision-making on students’ performance and enrollment in the program.


Academic Levels

  • Undergraduate programs include:
    • Associate of Applied Science in Massage Therapy
    • Associate of Applied Science in Medical Assisting
    • Associate of Applied Science in Radiologic Technology
    • Associate of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology
    • Associate of Science in Radiation Therapy
    • Bachelor of Science in Human Biology
    • Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Science
    • Certificate in East West Therapeutic Massage
    • Certificate in Relaxation Massage
    • Certificate in Therapeutic Massage
    • Medical Assisting Diploma Program
    • Non-Degree Undergraduate
    • Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health
    • Shiatsu Certificate
  • Masters level programs include:
    • Master of Acupuncture
    • Master of Chinese Medicine
    • Master of Health Science in Functional and Integrative Nutrition
    • Master of Health Science in Integrative Care
    • Graduate Certificate in Integrative Health and Wellbeing Coaching
    • Graduate Certificate in Functional Sports and Performance Nutrition
    • Non-Degree Master
  • Professional programs include:
    • Doctor of Acupuncture W/Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization
    • Doctor of Chinese Medicine
    • Doctor of Chiropractic
    • Non-Degree Professional

Academic standing is determined by the Registrar’s Office at the end of each term. The Registrar’s Office will notify students of their academic status (defined above) by email before the next term begins. Probation and dismissal statuses are recorded on the student’s transcript for the initial term that status is assigned. A notation will also appear on the transcript when a student clears a previously assigned status. Warning and probation statuses cannot be appealed.

A student who has been dismissed may appeal to the PASC based on documented extenuating circumstances. Only the first notice of academic dismissal may be appealed. The appeal must be submitted by the second day of the term following the dismissal notification and will be reviewed by the PASC. Any decision by the PASC to uphold the dismissal is final. If a dismissal is overturned, the student will be readmitted on probation and placed on an Academic Contract by the PASC. The contract defines the requirements that the student must meet to remain enrolled in the program. Failure to meet the requirements of the contract will result in dismissal at the end of the term in which non-compliance occurred.